I am in favor of grown-ups.
I am in favor of grown-ups behaving like grown-ups.
Alec Baldwin comes to mind.
I confess, I found his rants funny; snarky humor is right up my line. And so I covered my mouth and quietly laughed while those around me were appalled by his irreverent raving.
But, I believe we call this "indoor speech," that is private, rather than public. And I believe a bit of anger management is called for.
There are other grown-up behaviors that I've noticed lately, as in noticed them lacking.
Like owning up for one's behavior. Honesty. Kindness. Courtesy.
The non-grown-up behaviors pop up in the most peculiar places. Even in familiar places (I'm not referring to any family, just in case you're wondering).
Yeah, grown-ups. I like when they act as if they have figured out what that means. And do the hard work, or not always so hard work to be responsible, kind, honest.
Meanwhile, I'm enjoying deleting annoying spam. And I'm waiting.
What bugs you?