Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What then shall I buy?

Nothing to buy?

That's what I heard the other day from a woman who was feeling sorry for the top 1% because they have nothing to buy anymore.


I am billions away from that demographic but even I have a long list of things to buy. Shampoo. Scallops. More books (well, duh). Oh, and the mortgage.

I have thoughtful, kind and generous friends who live in or close to that top 1% of Americans. This is not about knocking them. This is for the lady who felt so sorry for her peers. Buy turkeys for the Rescue Mission. Buy clothes for the women trying to get back into the job market and need more than sweatsuits to wear to interviews. Buy books for urban libraries. Buy dog food for the animal shelter.

"We have nothing to buy."

I don't quite get how that is an argument against raising her taxes. But it is. Maybe she's worried about the rest of us choosing to use her money to buy turkeys for the Rescue Mission.

In the likely event she gets to keep all her money, there was a yacht for sale in the Nantucket Harbor with her name on it.

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